2018 Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium
Department of Biology
Amanda Roth
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Penny Humphrey
Testing The Effect of Cold Stratification length on Growing Native Wildflower Seed
Riparian buffers are areas of vegetation along the edge of water bodies; they provide
protection for water bodies and habitat for organisms. The goal of this research project
is to create an aesthetically pleasing buffer along Coldbrook Creek at the Brookby
Estate to preserve the estate’s historic integrity while improving its environmental
value. This project involves researching wildflower species that will thrive along
the creek, growing these plants from seed, and installing them along the creek. Different
plant propagation methods will be investigated to determine the best method for building
a riparian buffer from seed.
Alyssa Willson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Humphrey
Identification and Natural History of Invasive Plant Species in Grand Rapids
As globalization continues to connect people from all over the globe, humans have
aided in the transportation of many plant and animal species. Some of these species
have caused immense ecological and socioeconomic damage to nonnative ecosystems. These
species, called invasive species, have come to the forefront of research in fields
such as conservation biology and botany. Through this project, I have identified invasive
plant species present on Aquinas College's campus. The purpose of this project is
to raise awareness of the prevalence of invasive plant species in Grand Rapids and
to give the public tools for their identification and knowledge of the reasons as
to why they are invasive. This knowledge and awareness is the first step to preventing
the further spread of these ecologically damaging species.
Department of Chemistry
Jacob Mackinder
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Timothy Henshaw and Dr. David Leonard
Kinetic Analysis of OXA-207, a G222V Mutant of OXA-24/40
Carbapenem resistance is one of the most serious medical problems in the world today,
more and more bacteria are developing ways to break-down and destroy antibiotics.
The world of medicine is changing every year to combat the mutations some bacteria
may go through in an attempt to divide and increase longevity. In our study we analyzed
the steady-state kinetics of OXA-207, a G222V mutant of OXA-24/40 a class D β-lactamase.
Comparing the mutant with previous data on OXA-24/40 we found that the mutant showed
increased hydrolytic activity in most areas. The mutant proved to be more efficient
in breaking down several antibiotics which can be attributed to a substantial decrease
in Km values which would suggest an increase in affinity to the antibiotics used.
Department of Communication
Megan Sarnacki
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Penny Avery and Dr. Dave Weinandy
Self-Esteem and Companionship with Parasocial Relationships
Within mass media, television programming allows characters and media personas to
reach a wide population around the world. When viewers develop a one-sided friendship
or emotional connection with these television characters or personas, a parasocial
relationship is formed. Based upon previous research, parasocial relationships have
been found to influence viewers. However, there have been inconsistent findings on
whether viewers watch television for companionship. Therefore, adding the variable
of self-esteem to this area of research may help provide clarification to this topic.
This study explored the relationship between perceived self-esteem and the likelihood
to report using television-based parasocial relationships to satisfy companionship
needs among undergraduate students, ages 18 to 24.
Eliza Schuller & Ashley Keena
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Dave Weinandy and Dr. Penny Avery
Effects of Facebook Usage by Individuals 65 and Older on Loneliness
It can be difficult for senior citizens to maintain a healthy level of social interaction
as they get older. Retirement, decreased mobility, and lack of disposable income are
all factors that can make it hard for senior citizens to stay connected with friends
and family. This lack of social activity may contribute to increased loneliness. Our
research project explored Facebook as a potential tool to decrease feelings of loneliness
for senior citizens. Through connecting with family and friends online, senior citizens
had the opportunity to maintain more social relationships, which had the potential
to result in decreased loneliness. Our research sought to determine if for individuals
ages 65 and older, an increase in Facebook usage could help decrease feelings of loneliness.
Department of English
Mackenzie Murphy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Dawson
Infinite Summer: Reading and Researching David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest
Infinite Jest (1996) is considered to be David Foster Wallace’s magnum opus. At 1,104
pages, it is difficult to pigeonhole Infinite Jest into a single category. For most,
Infinite Jest is considered to be a dystopian political satire. Although Infinite
Jest has achieved recognition from scholars and often fanatical fans, the book is
seldom taught in its entirety or read by undergraduates. We read Infinite Jest and
sought to understand it through a variety of critical lenses: narratology, feminist
criticism, and new historicism. Although the reading was daunting, we found that the
novel necessitates an annular reading that forces the reader to circle back and start
over, especially as they read the often dense, grammatically and linguistically ornate,
and sometimes intellectually grandiose 388 footnotes. Analyzing the text helped us
to understand and appreciate both the influence DFW exerts on other writers and on
the field of contemporary post-structuralist literary theory.
Department of Geography & Environmental Studies
Natalie Henley
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Richard McCluskey, Dr. James Rasmussen & Dr. Mary Clinthorne
Plastic Waste Audit
Although the plastic in our everyday items is convenient, the waste caused by this
is degrading our planet. Ecosystems, species, and people are living with the negative
impacts. We need to be conscious users of plastic. In hopes to understand more about
this issue, I conducted a waste audit of St. Rose of Lima Hall and St. Martin de Porres
Hall. The goal was to compare the way plastic is disposed of by students versus the
average American. Students most likely have more education on the subject than the
average American. In doing this, I asked, do students living in the apartments at
Aquinas recycle plastic differently than the average American?
Stacey Murphy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich McCluskey
Ancestry and Catholicism in Kent County
Catholic parishes today serve diverse groups of parishioners. However, some ethnic
groups are more likely to be Catholic than others, such as the greater likelihood
of an Italian person being Catholic than a Dutch person. I have taken the written
definitions of parish boundaries within Kent County, Michigan provided by the Grand
Rapids Diocese, and created a map which I could then combine with census data on ancestry
and race. The information on parish boundaries was largely from the 1950s, and required
investigating with individual parishes as well as studying landscape changes since
the boundaries were written. Since many census tracts were divided among multiple
parishes, ArcGIS geoprocessing tools were used to properly divide tracts within each
parish. The goal was to determine whether or not parishes with higher numbers of people
considered historically to be Catholic resulted in a larger number of parishioners
at the church itself.
Erin Robach
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Rich McCluskey, Dr. Jim Rasmussen & Dr. Mary Clinthorne
Do Local Students Come to Aquinas College for Different Reasons than Non-Local Students?
All colleges have a list of reasons they believe upcoming students should go to their
school. I am testing two reasons for which students may come to Aquinas College –
to be student athletes and the presence of the Catholic faith on campus. The focus
of the study is to see if there is significant data saying that local students and
non-local students come to Aquinas College for different reasons.
Lillian Ward
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jim Rasmussen, Dr. Rich McCluskey & Dr. Mary Clinthorne
Assessing Biodiversity in Restored Prairie Ecosystems
A prairie is a diverse ecological community dominated by grasses but including a variety
of other xeric flora. Many other factors contribute to the formation of a prairie,
such as precipitation, soil type, and topography. A restored ecosystem is a place
that has been reverted to a more natural state after disruption for things like logging
or agriculture. The purpose of this study was to identify what traits or practices
contribute to the success of a restored prairie ecosystem. Analysis was done by visiting
various restored prairies in the area and collecting information on diversity.
Department of History
Beatrice Sherwood
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chad Gunnoe
Plague in 16th Century France
A panoramic assessment of the distribution of plague in 16th century France. In order
to reach this objective, primary and secondary sources found in online databases,
French archives, and printed resources were evaluated and in some cases, translated
from French into English, in order to illustrate the influence of plague across the
French social and political landscape. While there has been a large quantity of research
on the initial outbreak of the Black Death, considerably less interest has been given
to the later waves of the plague. This collaborative research project is part of a
larger research program investigating the plague epidemic of the 1560s that was active
from the British Isles to the Ottoman Empire and had a death toll in the neighborhood
of 30 % in numerous urban centers including Nuremberg, London, and Gdansk. The study
relies heavily on primary sources from French authors that articulate new trends found
within published literature regarding the plague and the significance thereof. The
study also explores the secondary question of whether or not the plague exacerbated
the underlying religious tensions of the Reformation in France, or if the religious
conflict itself heightened typical plague time anxieties.
Department of Mathematics
Holly Ensley
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joseph Spencer
Efficient Mancala Movement
This project investigates the mechanism of movement used in the game mancala. We are
interested in how we can most efficiently move particular stones, or kings, over long
distances. We will explore cases with different numbers of kings and starting stones.
Through this, we are hoping to find a bounds for measurements of efficient movement.
Department of Political Science
Zachary Isaacs
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Molly Patterson
Examining the Relationship Between Political Knowledge and Efficacy
Political efficacy is the feeling that one can have and does have power in politics.
Efficacy has been a well-researched topic for nearly half a century, however, no reliable
relationship between it and political knowledge has been discovered. A relationship
between knowledge and efficacy might be expected because we tend to assume that more
political knowledge leads to more participation. However, more knowledge could also
lead to disillusionment, which might have a negative impact on participation. Both
internal and external efficacy were tested in this study for their relationship with
political knowledge. This study was conducted with a survey to a broad range of people
in different locations in the Kalamazoo, MI area to see whether there is a relationship
between being politically knowledgeable and feeling able to be effective in the political
arena. Also tested was how citizens view the ability of the government to listen to
them and respond to their needs. The results of this study could give valuable insight
into ways in which different segments of the public view the government and their
role in it. Mixed results were found to support our hypotheses about the relationship
between political knowledge and political efficacy.
Department of Psychology
Margaret Conroy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Julie Schatz-Stevens
Pernicious Parallels: Correlations between Sexually Aggressive Kinks and Gender
This research examines the relationship between gender and sexually aggressive kinks
(i.e.bondage, sadomasochism, violent sex, etc.) Subjects were asked how many males
and females (independent questions) they believed to be interested in certain kinks.
Preliminary results suggested a relationship between participants' assumption of male
and female interest in non-mainstream violent kinks.
Madeline Falkenstern, Brody Bess & Audrey Dekorne
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Cruikshanks
The Impact of Cosmetic Usage on Self-Efficacy
The current study examined the relationship between self- efficacy and cosmetic usage
in women age 18-25 years old. The study is being conducted by using two surveys, the
General Self Efficacy Scale (GSE) and the Modified Cash Cosmetic Use Inventory (CCUI).
The operational definition of self-efficacy as it relates to this scale is an optimistic
belief in oneself to perform difficult tasks or cope with adversity. The Modified
Cash Cosmetic Use Inventory (CCUI) is a self-report matrix on which subjects rate
the extent to which they use each of 15 facial cosmetics in each of 12 situations.
The inventory yields two scores, one for general quantity of products used, and the
second for qualitative pattern of use. The quantity-of-use measure is the mean of
product use across situations. With this scale, we were specifically interested in
if cosmetic use is compensatory or decorative. The survey was distributed anonymously
to 101 participants. The initial hypothesis was not supported.
Selma Hodzic, Brianna McKeon & Azalea Collins
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Can You Feel The Music? The Association Between Music and Emotion
The association between music and emotion has been greatly reviewed in the past, specifically
regarding classical music. Previous research has linked sad music to evoking sad emotions
(Vuoskoski & Eerola, 2012), although the music’s effects depended on the music’s relevance
to the listener. The present research seeks to explore the association between various
music genres and emotions. The experiment conducted used 51 participants, 18 years
or older. The experiment sought to prove that there is an association between various
music genres and emotions. These findings seek to allow other researchers to further
explore specific and/or multiple music genres.
Lauren Perkins, Madison Pazik & Nathan George
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Impact of Family Relationships on College Students Stress Levels
The intent of this study was to determine whether the strength of an individual’s
familial relationships has an effect on their overall stress levels. Participants
were 80 Aquinas College students (21 men, 59 women) ages 18-21. Researchers sent out
surveys via Facebook and Aquinas emails that consisted of two activities. They first
were asked to fill out the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), which assessed participants
current stress levels. The second activity is called the Family Proximity Activity
and they chose whether their family relationships were cohesive or non-cohesive. Results
proved that family relationships do affect student’s stress levels. Students with
cohesive family relationships show lower stress levels than those who are members
of non-cohesive families.
Lena Peak
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Julie Schatz-Stevens
Influence of Sex Education Experiences on Rape Myth Acceptance
Sexual assault is a growing epidemic on college campuses that is beginning to gain
awareness. A crucial aspect of conceptualizing sexual assault is through various rape
myths that our culture often perpetuates. While research on rape myths is extensive,
there is little known on how sex education programming, namely abstinence-only programs,
influence rape myth acceptance. We know that abstinence-only sex education programs
are ineffective in preventing teen pregnancy and often include sexist rhetoric. The
current study examines the relationship between sex education programming and rape
myth acceptance. Findings surprisingly revealed that higher satisfaction and reported
knowledge gained from sex education programs predicted higher rape myth acceptance,
β = .327, p =.001. This demonstrates that abstinence based programs, which are still
extremely popular in the United States despite their ineffectiveness, are using sexist
and fear-based tactics that perpetuate rape myths.
Lena Peak, Abigail Schippers & Brenna Cojeen
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Predictors of Sexual Satisfaction
Our study aimed to better understand sexuality and the factors that contribute to
sexual satisfaction. Our study consisted of 303 total participants who completed our
anonymous online survey. The instruments used were the Measure of Sexual Identity
Exploration and Commitment (MoSIEC) and the Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire
(MSSCQ). The MoSIEC is designed to assess the processes associated with sexual identity
development with items falling into four different subscales: Commitment, Exploration,
Sexual Orientation Identity Uncertainty, and Synthesis/Integration. The MSSCQ is a
self-report questionnaire designed to measure 20 psychological aspects of human sexuality,
but for the purpose of this study we utilized the following subscales: Sexual Self-Efficacy,
Sexual Self-Consciousness, Sexual Assertiveness, Sexual Optimism, Sexual-Esteem, Sexual
Satisfaction, and Sexual Self-Schema. We discovered that Synthesis/Integration, Sexual
Self-Efficacy, Sexual Assertiveness, Sexual Self-Esteem, and Sexual Self-Schema were
all predictors of sexual satisfaction.
Francesca Prina
Faculty Advior: Dr. Julie Shatz-Stevens
Sexism and Rape Myth Acceptance: The Impact of Culture, Education, Religiosity, and
Socioeconomic Status
This study aims to explore the relationship between socio-economic status, education
and religiosity, and the presence of sexist attitudes towards women and rape myth
acceptance, comparing the United States and Italy. Participants from the Unites States
and Italy were recruited for this study either through social media or through Amazon
Turk. To be eligible for the study, participants had to be 18 years old and live in
the aforementioned countries. Both pools completed a demographic questionnaire together
with the Attitudes Towards Women Survey (AWS) and the Acceptance of Modern Myths about
Sexual Aggression. Religiosity and education overall seemed to be respectively positively
and negatively associated with sexism and rape myth acceptance. SES did not seem to
play a consistent significant role. Findings stress the importance of an individual’s
background in terms of sexism and rape myth beliefs, and in particular the importance
of education and the role of religiosity.
Adriana Sigafoose & Samantha Roberts
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
The Effects of Sociocultural Factors on Depression in Athletes vs Nonathletes
The current study compared the effects of depressive symptoms and sociocultural factors
between college athletes and nonathletes using a sample of 101 college students (53
females, 48 males). Of the participants, 55 were involved in collegiate athletics.
Participants were asked to fill out the Beck’s Depression Inventory and the Sociocultural
Attitudes Toward Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-4). Independent t-tests revealed
that collegiate student-athletes suffered from more depressive symptoms than non-athletes
(t=-2.12, p=.036), and female students internalized pressures from the media more
than males (t=2.82, p=.006). This study furthers research being done on mental health
of college students and confirms that college athletes are susceptible to depression
and females are vulnerable to media messages.
Morgan Terbovich, Alexis Brock & Avery Tafelsky
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Mental Health Stigma Between Generations
The following study addresses the societal issue of stigmatizing the mental health
field. Survey results from 109 participants separated into four age groups, or generations,
were gathered and analyzed to determine the generation’s relative level of stigma
towards the mental health field. Two scales, the OMI and CAMI, were used to collect
the participants’ thoughts on the mental health field. Responses were self-reported
using a Five Point Likert Scale. Upon analysis of the collected data, there was no
significant findings to show that one generation holds more stigma towards the mental
health field over another.
Fiona Theodoroff
Faculty Advisor: Andrew Heitzer, Wayne State University
Expressive and Receptive Language Delay in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Delays in language comprehension and production are often found in children diagnosed
with autism. In children without autism, receptive language typically lags behind
expressive language. Our objective was to see if this trend of a greater receptive
language delay extended to children diagnosed with autism. Ninety-nine children ranging
from 18-82 months of age were included in our study. Receptive and expressive language
ability were tested using the MSEL (n=61), DAS-2 (n=17), and Vineland-3 (n=98). Due
to a floor effect on the MSEL, scores were calculated using normative means and standard
deviations. We used repeated measures t-tests to compare receptive and expressive
language measures among individuals. There was a significant difference in Mullen
Receptive and Expressive scores; t(60) = -2.63, p = .011. There was also a significant
difference in DAS Verbal Comprehension [receptive] and Naming Vocabulary [expressive]
scores; t(16) = - 4.61, p less than .001. However, there was not a significant difference
in Vineland receptive and expressive scores; t(97) = - 1.09, p = .279.
Arianna Velazquez, Natasha Centeno & Danielle Smith
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
The Effect of Political Attitudes on the Education Level and Mental Health of Minorities
This study examined the effect of political attitudes and education level on the mental
health of African Americans and Latinos/ Hispanics. A combined 24 item questionnaire
was used to measure the mental health of African Americans and Latinos/ Hispanics
in relation to their socioeconomic level, education level, political affiliation,
and microaggressions they faced. The first seven items of the combined scale were
demographic questions that were taken from the political compass. For questions 8-24,
a five point Likert scale was used in which respondents were offered responses from
strongly disagree to strongly agree to questions such as “first-generation immigrants
can never be fully integrated within their new country” and “ I am experiencing more
stress since the recent 2016 election”. This set of questions were taken from the
Social and Economic Conservatism Scale (SECS) and the Racial and Ethnic Microaggression
Scale (REMS). A significant positive correlation (0.602) was found between the mental
health of participants and the microaggressions that they experienced. This means
that greater experiences of microaggressions negatively impacted African Americans
and Latinos/ Hispanics mental health.
Alyssa White, Julia Glynn & Elizabeth Ptaszynski,
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Differences in Gender Relating to Empathy and Forgiveness
The present research examined the gender differences with empathy and forgiveness.
Aquinas College students (55) were given a survey to score their total level of forgiveness
and empathetic concern. Based on past research, the researchers hypothesized that
females would score higher on empathetic concern, while there would be no significant
gender differences in the level of forgiveness (Toussaint & Webb, 2005). The Heartland
Forgiveness Scale was used to measure total levels of forgiveness in the participants
(HFS; Thompson, Snyderm, Hoffman, 2005). Interpersonal Reactivity Index was used to
measure empathetic concern (IRI; Davis, 1980). The results indicated that there is
a significant difference between males and females in regards to empathetic concern.
This suggests females show more sympathy towards others than males. There is no significant
difference regarding the total levels of forgiveness. This suggests that even though
females are more empathetic, it does not necessarily mean they are more willing to
forgive than men. The results also indicated that low levels of empathy do not automatically
indicate a person’s willingness to forgive others, since the male students showed
equal amounts of total forgiveness as female student despite having lower empathetic
Amanda Workman
Faculty Advisor: Cheruba Daniel
Measuring the Correlation Between Self-Esteem and Social Media Use
Social Media is something that is so prevalent within current society, especially
with young adults. With the widespread use of social media, the current study examines
the idea that individuals who spend more time on social media will have a lower self-esteem.
The study uses the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Social Networking Time
Use Scale (SONTUS) to look for a correlation between the level of self-esteem that
participants had and the amount of time using social media. The self-reported data
of 30 undergraduate students was analyzed using a Pearson’s Correlation and a negative
correlation of -.154 was found. Due to a small sample size, this does not give enough
evidence to support the relationship between the subjects self-esteem and the amount
of time spent on social media.
Department of Sociology
Jayme Brizzolara
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
Sociological Analysis of the Emigration Process and Experiences of Refugees and Immigrants
in West Michigan and the U.S
This research explores the topic of the emigration processes and experiences of refugees
and immigrants in the Unites States and furthermore serves as an outlet for refugees
and immigrants to tell their stories. Through the use of snowball sampling amongst
groups of refugees and immigrants and those who provide them services, a group of
individuals ages 18 and older participated in this on-going study that looks into
the challenges many refugees and immigrants face throughout the process of traveling
into the U.S. and being submerged into American culture. This research will also explore
the experiences of case managers and other individuals who have served the needs of
many refugees.
Stephanie Mellstead
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
Educational Support Staff’s Perspective on Undocumented Immigrants’ Experiences with
the Educational System
The Effect of Undocumented Immigration on Public Education. This paper examines the
syndemic effects of biological and social consequences on immigrants and their relationship
to public education. Operating ethnographic methods, I interviewed support staff experiencing
the impact of undocumented immigrants within a midwestern school district. Using the
Grounded Theory, categories emerged of, outcomes of deportation, familial issues,
and attendance in elementary school. Developing concepts, categories, and properties
arose through observance and interviews to build a model how being an undocumented
immigrant effects public education.
Katharine Reed & Kelsey Feutz
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
A Sociological Analysis of the Many Facets of Immigration Policy in the Midwest
This paper explores the topic of immigration, specifically on immigration policy,
as understood from or reflected in a multitude of viewpoints: Immigration officers,
farm labors, DACA recipients and lawyers. Research findings draw upon interviews with
individuals connected to immigration, in the Midwest in 2017. Through the use of snowball
sampling, 10 individuals, ranging in age and legal status, agreed to participate in
this on-going study on their experiences with immigration policy and the agriculture
industry in the United States. Using grounded theory methods, four initial categories
emerged Access to resources, gaps in immigration policy and in workers’ rights, within
the agriculture industry, as well as the everyday uncertainty of living undocumented
in the United States. This paper discusses those categories, their properties, and
their relationship to one another; serving as a preliminary foundation for a model
of how these individuals navigate their statuses and roles within society.
Mary Wernet
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
Immigrants and Active Engagement in Community Organizing
This paper explores the motivating factors for immigrants to the Midwest of the United
States to actively engage in community organizing. The research is based in ground
theory and based on a series of interviews with men and women who actively engage
in social change efforts within their communities.
Department of World Languages
Karissa Lantz
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Hojnacki
Putin, Merkel, and Crimea: The Effects of a Cross-Cultural Diplomatic Relationship
Following the Annexation of Crimea
This capstone thesis project brings together the two academic fields of International
Studies and German Studies. The research seeks to provide a possible understanding
of events that occurred between Russia and Germany following Russia’s annexation of
the Crimean Peninsula in eastern Ukraine. Based on the Social Constructivist approach
to International Relations and Germany’s reluctance to be involved in foreign conflicts
after World War II, the project focuses on the actions and reactions of Russian President
Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The thesis concluded that the
relationship between a German woman, who grew up in East Germany, and a Russian man,
who was a KGB officer stationed in East Germany, affected the outcome of events after
the annexation of Crimea.
Paul Sommerville
Faculty Advisors: Francine Paolini, Dr. Susan Hojnacki and Dr. Duane Ambrose
Sport in the GDR: A Structural Analysis of the Communist Development Program. Lessons
Beyond Doping.
The German Democratic Republic, or East Germany, was able to build a world-class,
state-endorsed sport program with minimal resources and a limited population. National
teams were not just able to compete, but rather defeat the world’s best including
the United States and Soviet Union at the Olympic level. Speculations of performance
enhancing doping clouded the success and were finally exposed after the wall fell.
My research examines the financial and administrative structure of GDR sport. Where
did the money come from and who made the decisions? What unique processes were in
place that set them apart? How did the rigorous training affect the athlete experience?
Where did they go wrong and what influenced those decisions? I will use my research
to identify processes from the system that could positively influence current sport
organizations such as national governing bodies and intercollegiate athletic departments.
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